The Best Actress Polls for Book One are Complete!

I’ve finished putting together the polls for Best Actress from 1927-1943, which finishes off the series for V. 1, WHO Won?!?

I’ll get started on v. 2 next week — probably with the actors. I’m also on the last four movies for V. 3, which will then get a final rewrite, proofing, and editing, before I add the index. V. 3 will be published this summer!

I hope you enjoy the polls. I went more visual here, as I did in the Special Features, given how easy that is to do here on the internet, as opposed to print.

If you’d like to buy my books, WHO Won?!? An Irreverent Look at the Oscars, V. 1: 1927-1943 and v. 2, 1944-1952, please follow the links below — and thanks for having such good taste!

Link for V. 1: Link for My Book!

Link for V. 2:

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